Brave new world vs 1984 full#
After he is subjected to the torturous methods employed by The Party however, he stated with full belief that he “loved Big Brother”. Wilson, who rebels against The Party at the beginning of the text states that he “hate Big Brother”. The Party’s ability to change alter the conscious state of a human being to make them obedient is represented by Wilson. While Wilson is being brainwashed in the Ministry of Love, O’Brian reveals how The Party does “not merely destroy enemies change them”. In 1984, people are subjected to control by “tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing”. Orwell and Huxley both share the common theme that control over that mind will yield for the best control. Huxley illustrates that through pleasure, people are more likely to willing conform. This portrays how sex has become almost a chore, and is not as treasured like one would expect.

This is illustrated by how men openly discuss how many women they have “had”, and how woman publicly wear contraceptives on their belts. Here, rather than eliminate the desire for sex through criminalisation, it instead has been devalued so that it now acts as more of a simple form of pleasure or release than passion. Here, “everybody’s happy”, as citizens partake in consumerism, and are encouraged to consume and constantly buy the latest thing, with people not up to date considered “lowly” and “lesser beings”. In Brave New World the method for control is the complete opposite, with pleasure being the main device used for control. There is also an ironic element to 1984, which is shown through circumstances such as the torture and brainwash that occurs in The Ministry of Love, and that “Big Brother’ rather than act like a caring older sibling one would expect, is in fact, someone who controls through various cruel methods. This shows that the repression of individuals can lead to control and opression of a population.

The regime of The Party is portrayed by Orwell through metaphor as “a boot stamping on a human face – forever”. Through an “iron fist” The Party is able to gain control of its people in 1984. Clement’s Church hides a telescreen and the old paper weight is broken by the Though Police as they arrest Winston and Julia. It is revealed however that the party bares control over even these objects, as the painting of St. Clement’s Church and the old glass paper weight, which act as metaphors for a history unaltered by The Party. Remnants of the past are still present however, such as the painting of St. In The Mistry of Truth, the memory holes symbolise how social control can be achieved by controlling the available knowledge to a population of people, specifically in 1984, by altering and destroying facts from the past that conflict with the governments regime. This message is illustrated in the slogan of The Party, “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past” as recited by Winston during his time in The Ministry of Love. Orwells 1984 shows how control of past events can lead to the suppression of a population. Buy this point is apparent that through the dehumanisation of an individual, control can be obtained. This is further illustrated when the Controller refers to someone as a “savage” and compares his citizens to that of “nice tame animals”. The text compares treatment of humans to that of animals, stating that students obtain information “straight from the horse’s mouth” and how children have the “stupid curiosity of animals”.

In Huxley’s Brave New World, control is brought about not through the altering of the past, but through dehumanising an individual. As The Party defeats Winston and the characters of Brave New World attempt to push through their conditioning, both authors show how when the mind is conquered, true control is achieved. Orwell depicts how through strict measures and punishment control can be achieved, while Huxley illustrates how basic anamalistic pleasure can bend a person to someone’s will. George Orwell’s 1984 depicts how the ability to alter past events can be used to control a society people, opposed to Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, through which control is achieved via degrading the chosen individual. How do the writers of the 2 texts explore the theme of social control?ġ984 and Brave New World both depict dystopian futures, both with societies monitored and controlled by their government.